Σάββατο 12 Ιουνίου 2021
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Σχόλια ανάρτησης (Atom)
Η Ορθοδοξία ως θεραπεία_Γέροντας Δαμασκηνός Αγιορείτης
Μια θαυμάσια εκλαϊκευμένη κατήχησηΑΝΑΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΤΕ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΑ
αλλά μην νοιώθετε «λύπη»
που αντιγράφουμε τα δικά σας ,
χωρίς να σας ρωτήσουμε...
Για την παράγκα μας
είναι γ ε λ ο ι ό τ η τ α η λεγόμενη
«δεοντολογία περί πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων!»
17 σχόλια:
Γιάννης προχτές ζητούσατε να μάθετε το ποσοστό όσον πεθαίνουν ή ασθενούν βαριά και έχουν κάνει το εμβόλιο. Ενημέρωσε Παπάευάγγελου, το 98% όσον νοσηλεύονται είναι ανεμβολιαστοι. Ένα σχόλιο παρακαλώ....?
Ο Θεός μάς έχει πάντα λίγους εμάς
τούς Ελληνες, λέει ο Μακρυγιάννης,
μα οι λίγοι, όταν το αποφασίσουμε νικάμε τους πολλούς...
άλλωστε και στην Γραφή, ο Θεός,
βάζει τους πολέμαρχους τού Λαού Του
να αραιώνουν τις γραμμές, τών ήδη
ελάχιστων μαχητών τους,
απέναντι σ'εχθρούς... απίστευτα... πολυπληθέστερους...
και μάλιστα όχι με κριτήρια...
"α ξ ι ο κ ρ α τ ί α ς" αλλά με μιά
ευλογημένη...τρόπον τινά...
...αγία, λές, σαλότητα...
κι όταν οι πολέμαρχοι του Λαού του
Τόν εμπιστεύονται
η νίκη πού Τούς χαρίζει είναι...
12 Ιουνίου 2021 - 9:55 μ.μ
Οι άνθρωποι είναι απατεώνες ολκής ,δες λ.χ.απόφαση :ΚΥΠΡΟΣ _Δεν θα ανακοινώνεται πλέον αν είχαν εμβολιαστεί ή όχι άτομα που απεβίωσαν από κορωνοϊό.https://www.sigmalive.com/news/local/781921/kyproscovid19den-tha-anakoinonontai-an-ta-thymata-eixan-emvoliastei-i-oxi
Εσύ τι πιστεύεις εάν ήταν όπως τα λένε θαχαν να κρύψουν κάτι; ισα ισα ..
Περί της Ελλάδος ομιλώ.... Το 98% είναι ανεμβολιαστοι!
"δεν είναι... πλήρως
είναι μία διατύπωση...
που μυρίζει...σανό...
Σοβαρά τώρα ανώνυμε δεν κατάλαβες?
Πεθαίνουν νέοι 32 και 34 ετών από τα εμβόλια χωρίς να χρειάζεται και εσυ επιμένεις στα εμβόλια; ας το κάνουν οι ευπαθείς ομάδες αφου φοβούνται!
Προχθές άκουσα πως αυτοί που πέθαναν από κοβιτ είναι 11 000 περίπου κ μέχρι τώρα οι θάνατο από το σκεύασμα κατά κορώνα ιού είναι περίπου 13800 .χωριά οι παρενέργειες!
Κατά αρχήν το το τεστ αυτό ποιος μας εξασφαλίζει πως από τους πρώτους 11000 κάποιοι δεν πέθαναν από ίωση τύπου Α,Β κλπ κάποιοι από sars cov 1, k κορωνοιο?
Κάτι μίλησαν για στροφές στα τεστ.
Δεδομένα ολοκληρωμένα δεν μπορείς να έχεις καθώς κ οι ίδιοι διάσωσης πως όποιος πέθαινε με κοβιτ τον έδιναν για ταφή από κοβιτ!
Καθαρές δουλειές.
Ξεμπερδευε εσύ λοιπόν το κουβάρι κ πιάσε την άκρη!
Όσοι πεθαίνουν από το σκεύασμα,πεθαίνουν πράγματι από το σκεύασμα?
Διότι δεν ξέρεις!
Και δεν ξέρεις γιατί?
Γιατί μπερδεύεται ο ίδιος μέσα στο μπέρδεμα....
Καλά ξεμπερδεματα!
Επίσης, για τους φιλήσυχους Κινέζους που τους ξέφυγε λένε!
Τι σας ξέφυγε,πως κ γιατί?
Και ενώ μέχρι τώρα δεν μιλούσαν!
Όταν βγήκαν οι πάντες κ είπαν πως ζητούν 3 τρις για όλη αυτή την καταστροφή,ξαφνικά παρουσίασαν κρούσματα!
Ο Θεός όμως τους γνωρίζει όλους αυτούς κ τους πιο μέσα κ τους πιο πάνω.....
Εδώ είμαστε να τα δούμε όλα!
σχόλιο αγιογράφου:
π. Παρθένιος ηγούμενος Αγίου Παύλου
π. Ευθύμιος γέροντας Καλύβης ᾿Αναστάσεως, Καψάλα ῾Αγίου Ὄρους
π. Φιλόθεος ηγούμενος Καρακάλλου
Γέρων Γαβριήλ Ἱεροῦ Κουτλουμουσιανοῦ Κελλίου Ὁσίου Χριστοδούλου τῆς Πάτμου Καρυές
Και εσένα ποιος σου έδωσε το ποσοστό που έκανες ακράδαντη πίστη σου;
Οι αμερικανοεβραιοι σιωνιστές κρύβονται πίσω από την εξάπλωση του covid και όχι οι Κινέζοι.
Μην τρώτε τα παραμύθια, όλοι ξέρουμε ποιοι θέλουν να φέρουν τον αντίχριστο.
Επίσης μακριά από τα εμβόλια-δηλητήρια.
"δεν είναι... πλήρως
σημαίνει ότι έκαναν την 1η δόση και δεν πρόλαβαν να κάνουν τη 2η...
Monday, April 12, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing most of the new Covid cases associated with the United Kingdom and the South African variant viruses. These new variants are more contagious than the original Covid strain. Some of the new vaccines are not killing these variant viruses, AND THE VACCINATED PEOPLE ARE SHEDDING THIS VARIANT VIRUS TO UNVACCINATED PEOPLE. The vaccinated people are the spreaders, and these people think they are safe to roam about people. There are five states that are seeing a dramatic increase in Covid cases and most of these cases are the United Kingdome variant. Without a vaccine that can kill this virus, it will spread around rapidly. The vaccines are ruining your immune systems which is why I told people not to take the vaccines and avoid testing. You may soon see another shutdown in your homes. Try to build up your immune system with vitamin C and D along with Hawthorn pills and elderberry extract which has natural tamiflu. You can bless people with your Good Friday oil as well. Refuse to take any vaccine or boosters that claim to heal these variants. If your lives are in danger from these variants, I will call you to the safety of My refuges where I will heal you of any virus.”
April 29, 2021
Jesus said: “My people, before the virus vaccines were being pushed by the media and evil doctors, I told My people to refuse to take these deadly vaccines, even if they threatened to kill you. REFUSE TO TAKE THE FLU SHOTS AS WELL BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL DESIGNED TO KILL THE PEOPLE. I even told you to avoid getting tested because the tests could be contaminated with viruses. Now, these evil ones are trying to force people to take the shots, or they could not enter their jobs or sports events. THESE EVIL ONES WILL USE VACCINE PASSPORTS TO SEPARATE THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE VACCINATED FROM THOSE WHO ARE UNVACCINATED. Eventually, these evil ones will make these shots mandatory, and they will try and use the military to enforce the shots on everyone. If your lives are threatened, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. I will bring My Warning to separate the good people from the evil ones. The evil ones will not be allowed into My refuges. Non-believers will die from these plagues, and they will be cast into hell. My believers will be healed of any viruses at My refuges. Trust in Me and My angels when I will protect you with an invisible shield. My justice will come against all the evil ones, as they will be killed and sent to hell. I will gather My faithful into My Era of Peace.”
May 13, 2021
Jesus said: “My son, I have given you messages not TO TAKE THE VIRUS SHOTS WHICH REALLY ARE BIOWEAPONS TO RUIN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS, AND IT WILL SPREAD THE SPIKE PROTEIN TO INFECT UNVACCINATED PEOPLE. If the authorities try to mandate taking the virus shots, then you can call on Me, and I will have My angels cover you with an invisible shield at My refuges. At My refuges you will be healed from any virus, and I will protect you from the evil ones who want to kill you. You may be criticized or persecuted for telling people not to take the virus shots. These shots will produce the spike protein all over your body that will irreversibly ruin your immune system, so the next deadly virus will kill the vaccinated people. This is a plan to purposely reduce the population by the elite evil people. You can use your Good Friday oil to anoint vaccinated people so they will not die from the next deadly virus. Trust in My healing oil and My protection at your refuges. I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus is released. You will be coming to My refuges after the six weeks of conversion time.”
Thursday, May 6, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard the lector reading a spiritual communion for those people who follow the Mass on the internet at home. The evil ones are intent on closing the churches again. THEY WILL MAKE MORE EXCUSES WITH NEW COVID RESTRICTIONS, AS YOU WILL SEE THE VACCINATED PEOPLE SHEDDING MORE VIRUSES THAT COULD AFFECT THE UNVACCINATED. The evil ones will also be spreading more viruses in the chemtrails. This sickness will be spread, and My faithful will need to build up your immune systems with vitamin C and D, as well as Hawthorn and your other supplements. Bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, or they could die from the next deadly virus. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the evil ones try to force the virus shots on you.”
Jesus said: “My people, these elite evil people want to kill millions of people with the Covid virus and vaccines. THE SHOTS WILL CHANGE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM, AND YOUR DNA WILL KEEP MAKING THE SPIKE PROTEIN THAT WILL CAUSE UNVACCINATED PEOPLE TO GET SICK. This is an evil bioweapon that was made on purpose to kill millions of people, especially when the vaccinated people come in contact with a new deadly virus. You can use your Good Friday oil to bless the vaccinated people with a cross of oil on their forehead. Believe that I can heal the vaccinated people, and it will be done for you. Your Good Friday oil is your best way to heal the vaccinated people.”
Tuesday, May 11, 2021:
Jesus said: “My son, you are asking the question of why is it not being made public that people are getting sick and some are dying after taking the Covid vaccines? The one world people have a goal to vaccinate as many people as possible. You also know that 99.5% of the people do not die from the Covid virus, so why do you need a vaccine in the first place? The evil ones know if all of the bad effects of the virus vaccine were known publically, then very few people would take the shots. With such bad effects, these shots should be taken off the shelves and destroyed. THE WHOLE PURPOSE FOR GETTING PEOPLE VACCINATED, IS TO HAVE PEOPLE USE THEIR BODIES TO KEEP MANUFACTURING THE SPIKE PROTEIN THAT CAN SPREAD THE COVID VIRUS TO THE UNVACCINATED PEOPLE. THE VACCINATED PEOPLE ARE SHEDDING THIS COVID VIRUS. THIS SPIKE PROTEIN WILL RUIN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM, AND THE NEXT WILD VIRUS WILL KILL BILLIONS OF PEOPLE. The change in your DNA from the virus vaccine will make people’s immune system helpless to fight off the next deadly virus, and they will die. The virus and the vaccines were designed purposely to kill billions of people so the one world people would have fewer people to control. The Georgia Guidestones tell you that the evil ones want to reduce the world population down to 500 million people. This is an evil plan by Satan to kill as many people as they can with viruses and vaccines. Bless the vaccinated people with your Good Friday oil, and they could be healed. Be prepared to come to My refuges after the Warning so My faithful can be healed. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from dying from the next deadly virus. At My refuges, you will be healed of any sickness.”
June 16, 2021
Jesus said: “My son, this whole subject of controlling people is nothing new to you, because you have read about this in many hard to find documents. All of these programs about controlling people are part of the one world people’s plan to control the masses and prepare you to be controlled by the Antichrist and his helpers. This is part of the elite’s control over your people. Your people right now are being brainwashed by your health officials, your political leaders, and your media to believe the big lies about the Covid virus and the lies about the need for Covid vaccines. Your economy was shut down by a lie about a virus that allowed 98.5% of your people to survive. They have forced you to wear masks and keep a distance in churches and businesses. The biggest lie is that you needed to take an experimental vaccine to return to normal. Many people have taken this bioweapon poison that causes your body to make a spike protein that spreads the virus to every part of your body. THIS WILL KILL MOST OF THE VACCINATED PEOPLE IN A FEW YEARS, AND THE VACCINATED PEOPLE WILL SPREAD A VIRUS TO THE UNVACCINATED PEOPLE. REFUSE TO TAKE THIS VACCINE BECAUSE YOU DO NOT NEED IT, AND IT COULD KILL YOU. DO NOT LET THE MEDIA BRAINWASH YOU THAT YOU NEED THIS VACCINE. STOP LISTENING TO THIS VACCINE LIE AND WARN YOUR PEOPLE TO NOT BE TAKEN IN BY THIS PROPAGANDA. THE EVIL LEADERS WANT TO REDUCE THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD BY KILLING PEOPLE WITH THIS VACCINE. THIS IS A HORRIFIC PROPAGANDA THAT YOU NEED TO AVOID AND NOT BELIEVE THE BIG LIE. Trust in Me to heal you with My GOOD FRIDAY OIL or by looking on the luminous cross at My refuges. I will defeat Satan and all of his lies.”
June 16, 2021
Jesus said: “My people, you saw HOW MANY FACTORS had to come together for the earth to exist to accommodate our complex life forms. Just a few are the right kind of sun, the right distance from the sun, liquid water, and oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere, and an iron core. If you estimate the chance of all of these conditions to be found anywhere in the universe, IT WOULD BE 10 TO THE 15TH POWER TO ONE. That makes the earth special for all of My people to live here.”
Τι είναι το λαδι της Μεγάλης Παρασκευής που μπορεί να θεραπεύσει τους εμβολιασμένους? Ξέρει κάποιος να μας πεί. Αναφορά στο ξενόγλωσσο και πολύ κατατοπιστικό κείμενο. Μου δίνει της αίσθηση οτι πλέον ο Κύριός μας Ιησούς Χριστός επεμβαίνει προσωπικά για να μας σώσει...από του Χάρου τα δόντια. Τις Θεός Μέγας ως ο Θεός Υμων?
Δημοσίευση σχολίου