Βρετανοί εμπειρογνώμονες: Τα ευρηματα των ειδικών στην Συρία δεν τεκμηριώνουν εμπλοκή του Ασάντ στην επίθεση με τα χημικά!
Νέες βόμβες από Βρετανούς στρατιωτικούς εμπειρογνώμονες που δήλωσαν απερίφραστα ότι τα ευρήματα της έκθεσης των Ηνωμένων Εθνών δεν αποδεικνύουν με κανέναν τρόπο ότι η χρήση χημικών έγινε από τον Ασαντ.
UN inspectors investigated the site of the alleged August 21 attack
and submitted a report to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon who
delivered it before the assembly on Monday. The probe confirmed the use
of sarin shells, although the UN chief stressed it was not aimed at
determining who was at fault and added a new investigation was needed to establish whose guilt it was.
Nevertheless, some politicians took it for granted that
civilians had been gassed by the president’s troops, with France and the
US claiming the UN report proved exactly that Mr. Assad was behind the
Nick Brown, editor-in-chief of IHS Jane’s International
Defense Review on military and tech news, told the RIA Novosti news
agency the research only proved the use of high-quality sarin in Syria.
The military pundit said there was not convincing evidence as to who
fired these large amounts of poisonous gas. He stressed some
circumstances of this crime seemed to pin the blame on the Assad
government, although de jure it was unclear who had produced and then
used the chemical agent.
Mr. Brown said that high-precision radars could come in
handy to peg the location of any launch in Syria and help attribute the
guilt for it. But the situation on the ground is so volatile that it
would be near to impossible to rely on that data, since territories are
constantly changing hands. Another way to find who ordered the gas
attack would be to intercept radio communications or direct commands.
But again, this never was an objective of the UN’s report.
Firas Abi Ali, head of Middle East forecasting for
research firm IHS, has expressed a similar viewpoint. The report
confirmed that chemical weapons were used at several sites, he said. But
inspectors were not mandated to assign the blame for the attacks and
included no suggestions in their final document.
The fact that the recovered engine of a Syrian chemical missile bore apparent Cyrillic markings proved nothing, experts added.
Nick Brown has warned that the UN report might only add
fuel to the flame, because warmongering nations that are advocating a
military attack on Syria will be tempted to use any uncovered evidence
as a pretext to launch a military operation, whereas Abi Ali believes
that the West is determined to avert a war on Syria by means of
negotiating a peaceful solution with Russia.
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